Student Work
Toy Shop Day
As a culminating event for the toy production unit we had a toy shop day with students peer reviewing in “Amazon Review” style. The day before I collected all the finished toys. Only about 60% of the kids are done … read more
Packaging for the Toys
Part of the Toy Production unit was making packages that would “sell” the toy. To prepare for this, I bought some toys in the type of packages I wanted my students to mimic. We spent a period examining the toys, listing … read more
Sculpture Mania

Just a few moments captured today in my “sculpt around the room” game. read more
Theme Better World

One of the choice projects I do every year is the PTA Reflections contest theme. They are usually good for themes because they are more abstract. One of our state standards is communicating ideas visually, so the theme always fits … read more