Teacher Resources

Dollar Store Deals

School supply shopping today I found some great deals at the dollar store. Everything I bought was actually $1 each. Spray bottles: It is really important to have water spray bottles for the clay center. I might also use them … read more

The Demonstration-Lecture

Preparing for the new 2014-2015 school year, I am reading “Studio Thinking 2” (from what I understand the second edition is not too different from the first one, but it was cheaper!) Chapter Three describes the demo as “a brief, … read more

Classroom Jobs

I am hoping to make my classroom run more smoothly by pre-assigning jobs that are normally something I assign on the spot as needed. Students will “apply” (Still working out how I will do that) and then keep the job … read more

Setting Up Day One

I am not sure how I was able to spend almost 4 hours in my classroom today and barely get ANYTHING done! They still might get to paint my room, so I can’t set anything up yet. But I did … read more