Today, at the end of each period, I asked my students what they thought of the unit so far. I told them how I am sharing this project with other teachers and that you all would love to hear what they had to say. I decided to give 5 bonus points to anyone that writes me up a short statement.
Here are a few of them along with an artwork by that student.
I think that this whole unit is a great experience for all of us so we can be on our own for a while and see what we can get better at and get a better expereinces in art. (KR)
Sculpture by AC
This unit is very fun because it lets us find other medias and see which ones we like. I have learned that I really like sculpture which I never knew I liked. (AC)
Panaroma by JH
My art soul can just be free. (JH)
Bedroom by EC
This is a Great opportunity for students to get to know the responsibilities of working like a real artist. (EC)
What do your students have to say about Choice?
Do you have a question you would like me to ASK MY STUDENTS? They would love to respond.